
Rock and Coke with Incubus

Trupa rock americana Incubus va concerta in Romania pe 24 iunie in cadrul unui festival numit “Rock and Coke”. Nu stiu prea multe despre acest festival, deci, nici nu pot evalua pretul unui bilet de acces la aceasta cantare. Categoric merita atentie si speram ca prezenta unui Depeche Mode anul trecut, a unui Kasabian anul acesta si acum, iata, confirmarea de prezenta a lui Incubus in Romania, sa duca la dezvoltarea unor “moravuri” muzicale dezvoltate pe baza bunului gust.

2 comentarii:

Anonim spunea...

Hey!! Hope you speak english!! I'm despared to get some information about the rock and coke festival, about when, where and how expensive and main, where to book cards... Can you help me?

Mail me at:


Anonim spunea...

You`ll just have to wait like us because we dont know much either about the festival we just know that they are announced ant they`re coming here anyway the festival will be in bucharest